World Wide What?

In honor of the World Wide Web being 30 years old this month, I thought this article about Algeria would be quite ironic.  British computer scientist Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented this amazing computer breakthrough that would connect the world and change our future.  To make this blog and bit more interesting to read I have a question, who do you know that does NOT have an email address?  My answer would be my 80 year old mother and my 98 year old grandmother on my father's side. My aunties and uncles in their 60's to 80's all have an email. Sure they probably needed some help setting up the account from me or someone a bit younger that understands the computer lingo but they know what it is.  I know 8 year old children that have an email account but President Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria does not.  The shocking thing is that his peers and advisors about also in this same age group.  Most just do not understand this "dotcom" thing. Ok so now to the meat of this blog, who is leading the country of Algeria? Nothing against age but if you are 82 years old and do not know how to use a computer how much faith would you have in that person to led millions of people? As of 2017, the majority of the population is between 20-29 years old, approximately 7M. Many peaceful protests has been going on to let leadership know that the people need a strong, smarter and more capable leader.  Another issue is who will be the mediators to bridge the gap to the new generation and who is willing to do it. It would be taking a broken business like an out to date bicycle shop and get in the race of the carbon fiber or e-bikes. Our world is changing and moving fairly fast. On a positive note many Algerians are loyal people that will work hard and fight for a better future.  Success comes from the bottom up and from the top down.  Algeria needs a new top.


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